Site Surveys:
Information collected at the time of the site survey.
· Contact information.
· Structure Type
· Structure ACL
· Existing Carriers ACL
· Recommended Antenna Centerlines
· Site Coordinates
· Ground Elevation
· FCC information if Applicable
· Location of existing ground equipment
· Sufficient path clearance (LOS)
. Fresnel zone and Earth Curvature calculations
· Potential problems with collocation or build to suit.
· Transmission line types and lengths
· Number of each transmitter and receiver
Caraway Communications Team has been surveying/engineering microwave paths since 1981. This experience allows our Team to provide an accurate and detailed analysis for each path. At the completion of the path survey Caraway Communications will then produce a comprehensive survey report, with Digital Photographs of the Structure, LOS, Recommended Centerline, Existing Carriers, and a detailed sketch of the existing equipment.